Update of EURAD Strategic Research Agenda

One of the strategic milestones of EURAD is the update of its Strategic Research and Knowledge Management Agenda (SRA). This SRA is the basis of the joint programme as it paves the way for deploying new joint activities during the next EURAD implementation phases.

The SRA update process was developed and organised by the Bureau, in close collaboration with the EURAD Project Management Office and the organisations coordinating the Colleges (EURADSCIENCE, IGD-TP and the SITEX Network for the RE, WMO and TSO Colleges, respectively). A consensus building approach was followed, involving the 3 Colleges of EURAD and representatives of the PREDIS project. Views from Waste Generators and Civil Society Organisations were also considered in this process.

This exercise was a major challenge for the EURAD Bureau and the Colleges. It was probably the most intense joint programming activity of EURAD, as it required a delicate consensus on the strategic needs of the actors for the future, including the identification of joint drivers behind these needs, respecting the EURAD vision and Roadmap, and considering the advancement of waste management programmes in Member States.
The present SRA update reaffirms the willingness of the EURAD Colleges to work together, while respecting the independence of their missions, for the future of EURAD. This success gives confidence in EURAD's ability to meet its next major challenges, such as the preparation and implementation of a second EURAD implementation phase.